On May 4, 2023, Barranquilla, Colombia - Galeria Barceló opened its doors for an elegant reception to inaugurate the new Colombianos Viviendo en el Exterior group art show.
I created 16 original mixed-media paintings for this exhibition, now on exhibit until July 30 and available exclusively through Barceló Galeria de Arte.
Reconnecting with family, old friends, collectors, curators, and fellow artists during the opening night was incredibly special. A big thank you to the gallery for making this a reality for everyone who attended; it was a true joy seeing all the art lovers from Barranquilla come out to support the four artists exhibiting and this incredible gallery that is changing the cultural landscape in Barranquilla.
opening night
may 4, 2023
Opening Night of the Collective Show ‘Artistas Colombianos en el Exterior’ May 2023
Opening Night of the Collective Show ‘Artistas Colombianos en el Exterior’ May 2023
Works are available at: Galeria Barceló
Cra 51 # 76 - 168, Barranquilla, Colombia
Horario de atención: Lunes a viernes de 8:30-12:30pm y de 2:00-6:30pm y Sábados de 9-2:30pm